"I Will Provide"
I walked up to a house and knocked as usual. The man that came to the door was friendly. As the conversation went on, he started talking about how he was suffering from addiction. His temperament changed and he became down casted, as though a dark shadow covered the sun. It became harder for him to speak, and his burdens were expressed on his face. The man was thrilled about the books, but he was sad to inform me that he had no money to spare. So as I stood there thinking about what I could do, I remembered that someone had given me an extra donation. So I reached in my bag and placed a Bible Answers (has the most commonly asked questions about the Bible and answers directly from the Bible) in his hands. He sincerely wanted the book, so I left it with him. To my great joy, he also signed up for Bible studies and I prayed with him. I praise God that I was able to minister to that gentleman. Sometimes we fill our minds with thoughts of doubt, and shame, but when we come to Jesus we have no reason to fear. Jesus provided for an extra donation for this to happen, and He will keep providing for our needs daily. We must simply meet people where they are and share our message. Their thirst for a Savior is real. There is always someone suffering in need of a Savior, will you step out in faith to help them connect with Him?