Faith Trip

Written By: Adriana B. Sanchez

Have you ever heard of a Faith Trip? No, not the long voyage in Israel. Not walking in the wilderness either. The Faith Trip I’m talking about it when a group of canvassers stuff a van full of books fill the van with gas once and the rest is on faith to get to your destination. No credit cards, no cash, just Megabooks. Yup, canvassing to a whole different level.

As a Academy student at Maplewood all was going normally, it was a peaceful Friday afternoon the rays of sunshine slowly saying goodbye as we say hello to the Sabbath. We were hosting a weekend of prayer, and youth from all over MN were invited to come. As I was about ready to head back to the dorm after much singing, praying, and small talk. Darrell (my first canvassing leader, and former OHC student) introduced me to two fellow canvassers. After a excited exchange of testimonies one said, “We should plan a Faith Trip down to GYC (Generation Youth For Christ, Adventist youth retreat). We agreed. Easy as that. After a few hours of logistics, and phone calls soon enough we were loading the boxes of Great Controversies, Steps to Christ, Habits that Heal, and many more. We would drive around six hours and canvassed for six hours then we would stay at a house of a Adventist member from the local area. Canvassing through Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and New Mexico all in one week. After many divine appointments, snowy winds, thrilling storms, and sandy deserts we finally set our eyes upon the beautiful mountains in Phoenix Arizona.

We reached Arizona and paid for our hotel just before sunset on Friday. We were running later then expected so we didn’t get a chance to fill the van with gas. At breakfast Sabbath morning we had this realization. After some searching we found a Adventist church two miles from where we were staying and in faith with the van still at E we drove to church. We had finished all of our remaining food that morning, and we were not sure where our next meal was going to come from but we weren’t worried we simply prayed. We were directed to our seats, and ten seconds after sitting down a lady came up to me and said, “I have food prepared in my house for you and your group.” Was she really talking to me I had to look around, she reaffirmed. With a big smile we all accepted. After church (still with no gas) we followed the nice lady to her house, and we made it. She had a beautiful vegan Thanksgiving like meal for us. For wearied canvassers it was the best food in the world. After the meal we asked how did you know we were coming? We didn’t know her, we didn’t even know what church we were going to go on Sabbath. She said. “As I was having my devotional one morning a voice said, “You will have visitors prepare a meal.” She said she tried brushing it off, but the voice said it again. So she agreed. She said, “when I saw you (pointed to me) I knew that was who the voice was talking about.”

God provides my beloved, in more ways than we may ever realize or notice. So step out in faith God is waiting to show you something grand!

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