Juan and the Witch
Opening the glass door to the business, Juan walked into a store that sold all kinds of satanic and occult products. The owner, Debbie*, greeted him cheerfully. With a prayer in his heart, Juan showed her The Great Controversy, opening it to show her the pictures inside. Surprised, Juan realized the page he had opened to was discussing the state of the dead and had a picture of a ghost on it! Debbie was a practicing witch, and her eyes lit up as Juan asked her if she wanted to understand better what happens when we die. With an emphatic “Yes!” Debbie took the book from Juan. Not satisfies with showing her just one book, however, Juan pulled out a DVD on Daniel 2 entitled “An Ancient Dream Unlocks the Future.” She was enthralled with the prospect of learning the interpretation of ancient mysteries foretelling the future. That day Juan’s faith was strengthened as he saw how God could work with and influence even those who are involved in the occult.
– Juan A.