The Harvest is Ripe!
"Hey! I want to see what you're doing", the man behind the desk calls out to Sheldon Ozaeta. Sheldon turns around to face the man after having just finished presenting his books to another person in the business. "Hold on, sir! I'll be back" Sheldon tells the man as he runs outside to collect more books from his leader. He then returns to show the man his books. As the man intently flips through the pages of the book "Your Questions, God's Answers", he happens upon the chapter dealing with the Sabbath.
"You guys believe in the Sabbath!" the man asked excitedly.
"Yes, we do!" said Sheldon
"I've been keeping the Sabbath for years, but I didn't know that there was anyone else who believed in it..."
The man continued to tell Sheldon about how he was introduced to the Sabbath by his brother, and although he rejected it at first, he came to realize that the Seventh-day Sabbath was taught in the Bible. Despite his brother falling away from the faith, he had continued to keep the Sabbath on his own.
"I was just praying this morning that God would give me some people to fellowship with!", the man went on as Sheldon listened in amazement.
After praying with the man and making arrangements for him to visit church on Sabbath; Sheldon left with him three books – The Great Controversy, Peace Above the Storm, and Your Questions, God's Answers.
"All over the world men and women are looking wistfully to heaven... Many are on the verge of the kingdom, waiting only to be gathered in." AA 109.1